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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

# Worth-It

‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭28‬-‭31

“Then Peter spoke up, “We have left everything to follow you!” “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.””

‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭28‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬

God doesn't look for those who are rich or powerful or beautiful. He looks for those who are humble and full of faith. Many who the world sees as first will miss the Kingdom of God while many who are overlooked by the world will be great in God's Kingdom.

The reality is that call of Jesus is a high calling and for many the choice to follow will require sacrifice. The disciples had given up much to follow Jesus. And yet after the rich young ruler walks away Jesus assures them that all who suffer loss in following Him will receive back far more than they lose. 

It is true. When you forsake the old life and devote yourself to Christ, you get much in return. Sometimes your allegiance to Jesus will separate you from family or friends or even possessions. But, for all you lose, you get much more in return.

When you become a believer, you gain a worldwide family, a connection to the nations. I don't know if you've ever fellowshipped with believers on other continents, but it is always a joy. You fly into the country as an outsider, but Christian fellowship gives you a place to belong.

Jesus is basically promising three things in these scriptures. He is saying that the disciples including we who follow Jesus today can't out give God. God will bless them and us far more than anything we could ever give up for Him.

He forewarns that God's abundant blessings don't mean that followers of Jesus will have easy lives on this side of eternity there will be persecutions. He promises eternal life. In other words, disciples sacrifices for their faith will be far overshadowed by the blessings they will receive from their Father in heaven

But today, the Lord is going to highlight the blessings of following Christ. Today, the Lord is going to remind us of the present, future and eternal blessings of being His follower. And in the process, the Lord will show you a picture of exactly what a Christian is to look like while living on Earth.

Today, you get a glimpse of what the Christian life is like. Some of you have already tasted this blessing like a yummy meal, while others of you find yourselves with no menu at all.

But Jesus wants you to know, the joy of following Christ far outweighs the hardship of following Christ. The blessings of following Christ far outweigh the sacrifice of our commitment to Him.

Today, we are invited to examine our own lives and consider the sacrifices we make for Christ. Are we willing to let go of worldly attachments and embrace the call to discipleship? Are we ready to endure the trials and persecutions that may come our way?

Let us remember that the reward of eternal life awaits those who answer the call with a wholehearted yes. Let us draw strength from the promise that the last shall be first, and entrust our lives to the providence and wisdom of our loving Father!!!

Father thank you for this day and being so generous. We know that we will be blessed as one of Your children far more than we can imagine. Lord open the windows of heaven and rain down Your abundant blessings over my friend and family today. Lord help us not to lose that hope in the face of hardship, discouragement, and persecution. We, who live and walk by faith, whom You have claimed to join You on the road, are not much different than the disciples were. Lord we ask questions, we get confused and troubled, yet we pray that You use us as You used them, to Your glory and the welfare of Your people. Daddy we love You amen !

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