Proverbs 27:17
“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.“
Proverbs 27:17 NKJV
This simple statement has been a calling for all these years to understand that no one is alone. That in order to make yourself better, there is a mutual benefit making others better through mentorship, follower-ship, and leading.
The Bible is full of examples and teachings on the importance of strong friends who encourage, comfort, and correct us to make us our best selves. Few people have anyone who will tell them the truth when they are sinful, and then help them turn their life back to God. Few people have a friend who will stick with them through their hardships and sorrows.
We need strong friends who will challenge our wrongful thinking, support us when we live as God wants us to live, and help us up when we stumble and fall. And, we need to be that kind of friend to others.
The teaching of the Scriptures and God's greatest leaders reminds us that we need this kind of friend. Jesus was intentional when He sent out His disciples two-by-two. He often included His inner group of three disciples with Him during important ministry and life moments.
Thankfully, our verse today emphasizes the importance of having a strong, truthful, encouraging, and helpful friend much more succinctly.
I have found that there is a great benefit for the believer who surrounds his or herself with those who are spiritually intelligent; those who show great wisdom in not only knowing the Scriptures, but have experience in living according to the Scriptures.
It is good to have those in our lives, who through interaction will cause us to become excited about the things of God. The individual who is able to motivate us to not only knows what the Scripture says, but seeks to live diligently in order to please the Lord, are a tremendous benefit.
We too should seek to be that iron in the lives of others that is the sharpening influence that will bring about spiritual wisdom and spiritual intelligence in them. There is a great advantage to the believer who desires to become better in his or her living in a world of relativism.
There are those who can be the motivating factor that pushes us to be better spiritually than where we currently are right now. That's why it is so important for each of us to build growing relationships with others in life. We all need people who can help us rub off the hard edges and who honestly have our best interests in mind when they do it.
There are times when these sharpening conversations, even from loving friends, can come across as harsh, mean, or judgmental. But it definitely helps to know that these people care and that they have a genuine interest in helping us improve.
Growing as a Christian is important. Choosing friends who will sharpen us is one practical way we can grow. God designed us to need each other for fellowship, and for advancing His kingdom here on earth. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend!!!
Father thank you for this day and the blessing of those who love you with all their hearts, minds and souls who sow into our lives. Lord let Your abundant blessings flow from the storehouses over my friend and family today. Lord
You are holy, awesome, and worthy of all our praise. Lord we ask that you send people into our life that will encourage us in our faith. Lord, help us to have a teachable spirit so we can continue to grow in You. Lord You are the source of all strength and goodness. Lord thank You for helping us to grow in faith and also for putting friends in our life who can help sharpen us. Lord use my friends to sharpen those who You put in their lives. Love ya. Be a blessing.
Father, we love you amen. !