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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Seeing Clearly

‭‭Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭26

“They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?” He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go into the village.””

‭‭Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The ability to see is a wonderful blessing, which we should never take for granted. But spiritual eyesight is far more important than physical eyesight.

The ability to clearly see our need to be reconciled to God, and to see God’s provision for that reconciliation in Jesus Christ, is essential. If we are blind to this, then we are in a most serious predicament as we are under the just condemnation of God. This text reminds us of our need to see clearly, not only to be saved, but also after we are saved.

God’s Word is clear that all are born spiritually blind and in need of having our eyes opened to the truth. None of us have the means of gaining sight for ourselves, it is a gift of God through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Let’s Consider Our common need. The Scriptures are clear that all are born spiritually blind and in need of having our eyes opened to the truth. None of has the means of gaining sight for ourselves, it is a gift of God through the person and work of Jesus that is received by faith.

Our common calling. As we consider this miracle we should be reminded of our need to share the news of Jesus. We cannot open blind eyes, but we have been called to share the message of the One who gives sight.

Our ongoing gaining of sight. While Jesus saves us at a particular moment in time, the Bible teaches that until we see Jesus in glory we will be gradually growing in our ability to see, know, love and trust Him. We must continue to strive to see the beauty of Jesus more and more clearly throughout our lives.

For those who are familiar with Jesus other miracles, this one seems bizarre. Usually when Jesus heals, people are healed immediately and completely. Not this time. So why not? Because Jesus is still trying to get His followers to understand through the eyes of faith. This blind man becomes the mirror for them to see themselves. While they can see partially who Jesus is because of their involvement with Him, they must come to see Him completely and let Him fully reveal who He really is.

Like the blind man in the story, they need Jesus to complete His work of helping them see who He really is. Their confusion should remind us to keep coming back to the Bible and to keep asking Jesus to make HImself fully known to us.

The story shows us that sight does not always come instantly. In truth, God reveals Himself progressively. This miracle reveals the way God opens the eyes of the spiritually blind as He patiently works on them step by step, to bring them to the place of full comprehension after an era of profound blindness.

This is a good word for all of us who are praying for our loved ones who are away from the Lord. Don’t give up on them.

It is striking to note that the healing became complete only after a second attempt. Applying it in our daily life, we must not be disappointed when we fail the first time. Patience and persistence are the keys to success.

Like the people in the story, may we bring others to get a healing touch from the Lord. In particular, may He touch our eyes so we may see completely the signs and wonders that He is doing in our life!!!

Father thank You for this day and we want to truly know your Son, Jesus not a partial, lopsided view of Him, we want to know Him fully even as we are fully known. Lord pour out Your abundant blessings from the windows of heaven upon my friend and family today. Lord like the man given sight in Bethsaida, we seek healing and wholeness in all of our relationships with family, friends, and those who are not yet here with us, and especially You. Lord, we are still in the process of being healed and being made whole.  Lord help us to remember our job is to be willing to be in the process of wholeness. Lord use my friend to be someone’s blessing today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !!

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