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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Into the light of understanding

Psalms‬ ‭119:129-130

“Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:129-130‬ ‭NIV


God is the creator of language, architect of thought and author of speech. He is the originator of words, and through His intrinsic meaning pours forth the eternal wisdom within His heart, and God in His grace has equipped us with His Holy Word and filled it to overflowing with light, life and hope. The Word of God is indeed a light to our path and the more we seek after the truth of His word the more the Lord opens up our understanding. But the words of wisdom that enlighten the teachable child of God conflict with the wisdom of this world. For the ways of the Lord are higher than those of the world and the wisdom in the mind of the Lord seems foolish to those that are wise in their own conceit. Praise God that it is to the simple that He gives understanding and to the humble in heart that He unfolds His Word. In life, there are so many things that are just so confusing. We grasp for the meaning of perplexing matters. God has reserved the understanding of things to those who seek what only His Word will give illumination to. The natural man or woman can only see things from a natural mind, which cannot appraise spiritual things. Only God will spiritually enlighten those who are taking in His Word daily. Too many are trying to explain things from a purely worldly perspective apart from God’s wisdom. God grants spiritual insight to those who lack intelligence or the ability to comprehend things, when they submit themselves to knowing His Word. The life of the believer is to be characterized by a life devoted to knowing what God knows. Then, when the challenges of life overwhelm us, He will provide wisdom in order to handle those situations. I encourage everyone to make the Word of God his or her priority, daily. Do not neglect the teaching of God’s Word. Sometimes the right path is not so difficult to find, we just need to know where to begin our search, the reading of God's Words. The right way is very seldom just the property of the bright, wise, and scholarly, it can be very clear for any of us if we will choose to look for It. God wants to give light, His light to every person. He wants to light up our minds with the truth of who He is and His next step for our lives!!!

Father thank You for this day and Your wonderful Word of truth that gives us such light and life and hope. Lord let Your abundance be like a flowing river over my friend and family today. Lord we thank You for the light You have already shone into our hearts and we pray that we may be increasingly open to all You have chosen to reveal in Your Word. Lord keep us humble before You and give us a teachable spirit. Lord use my friend to be salt and light in this lost and decaying world. Daddy we love you amen. Be a blessing. Love ya !!

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