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Writer's pictureEddie Cox


  Mark‬ ‭12‬:‭38‬-‭40                    

“As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.””

‭‭Mark‬ ‭12‬:‭38‬-‭40‬ ‭NIV

Jesus is speaking about a matter that was not just a problem during Jesus' time. It is also a problem now even among some who claim to be representing Jesus today.

Observe in these scriptures. What it is that our Saviour condemns, not civil salutations in the marketplace, not the chief seats in synagogues, not the uppermost rooms at feasts, but their fond affecting of these things, and their ambitious aspiring after them.

It was not their taking but they’re loving the uppermost rooms at feasts, which Christ condemns.

Their religion is a costume, it’s Halloween everyday for them. They dress up as religious, but, it’s not what they truly are. Instead, their religion is a parade of pride.

They are insincere.  It’s not about God, it’s about themselves.  It’s not about exalting God in society, but, themselves. 

They like going around in public all done up in their religious wardrobe so people recognize them. Their religion celebrities them so they get asked for autographs and selfies every time they go out in public. Their religion is good for their social standing. 

It gets them the best seats wherever they go. It gets them admiration everywhere they go. And that’s what they want. And since that’s what religion gets them, they’re religious.

Pride is a coverup. It’s a coverup for insecurities, fears, and weakness.  

Pride is a wet toothbrush. One of the habits parents try to foster in their children is brushing their teeth. Did you brush your teeth? we ask? Yes. My toothbrush is wet, one particular little dimpled boy says, flashing a big smile. And what do parents say? Come over here and let me smell your breath.

There’s a difference between getting your toothbrush wet and actually brushing your teeth. A wet toothbrush is pretending, but, fresh toothpast-ey breath is the evidence of the real thing.  Pride is a wet toothbrush.  

Yes. Jesus was not only speaking to His followers about the priests of the Temple. He was speaking to His potential followers for all of eternity.

He was telling all of us not to trust the institutions and their teachers that have ulterior motives. Not to trust those priests and reverends who wear the robes and the collars to gain the respect of others.

And not to trust those priests and preachers who are getting paid salaries or other benefits such as free houses and cars in exchange for their preaching services.

Why shouldn't we trust them? Because they have ulterior motives. They have gone into the preaching institution in order to have a career so that they can make a living from providing services that should be provided voluntarily, out of love with no expectation of gaining anything in return.

There are three desires that bad religious leaders have, attention, position and possessions. We need to beware of people who have an inordinate desire of these things. Let's beware and also behold Jesus Christ and His Word the ultimate Authority.

According to Jesus, we should beware of them!!!

Father thank You for this day and the Ultimate Authority of Jesus and Your Word. Lord pour out Your Abundant blessings over my friend and family today. Lord give us a discerning heart, that we might know whose motives are genuine and whose are false. Lord lead us to the best and most reliable sources that will build up the truth within us, free from human corruption. Lord let a healthy skepticism grow within us regarding any teaching that seems to depart from Your Word. Lord let a joyful receptiveness also grow within us for those teachings that express a deep respect for Your Word. Lord use my friend to a blessing that someone needs today. Daddy we love You amen. Be a blessing. Love ya

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