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Writer's pictureEddie Cox

Confirmed Message

Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭19-20             

” After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.“

‭‭Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Jesus has entrusted the expansion of His kingdom to His disciples. Today, the kingdom continues to expand throughout the nations with great acceleration.  Our role is to live by faith and bear the message to others, yet we do not do this on our own. Jesus Himself is at work with us and through us, to confirm the message in the hearts of those who hear.

Every day, all over the world, people are given instructions as to how to do something. Along with the instructions, many are also given the tools to help them accomplish the task taught.  While many will use those tools and actually work to do the task, there are also many who reject the instructions. They choose to either not do the task at all, or they choose to do it their own way.

After Jesus hleft the earth, the disciples went out and preached the gospel message everywhere. God was with them and confirmed it with signs and wonders.

The entire purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to seek and to save those who are lost. In His few years of ministry He taught the disciples how to carry on His mission. That purpose is still in effect to this day. Jesus still wants to seek and save the lost. He is also wanting every believer to go out and pass that message on to others.

God has given every believer what he needs to accomplish His task. The bible is filled with instructions as to how to accomplish His task.

While there are some who are actively trying to accomplish God’s task, there are many who are not doing His work. Most believers are living their own life, taking care of self and not reaching out to the lost.

Others are going out to do the work, but are doing it their own way, not the way God has directed them to do, thus signs are not really following them.

As you step out in faith, doing what He has asked of you, God will pour out signs and wonders confirming His Word and the work through you. Over time you will see lives changed and God’s Kingdom being built. This is not done for your glory, but for His glory.

Each day God will give you opportunities to do His work and be His witness. What an incredibly wonderful message. Jesus begins as a nobody in a little-regarded place working with insignificant people and changes the world.

As powerful a story as this is, we must remember that the story and the power are not ended. Jesus is still looking for people, even those the world regards as insignificant, and uses them to change the world.

How can He do this? Because He is the Christ, the Son of God, who chose to minister in Galilee and the surrounding area, to be crucified in Jerusalem, and to be raised from the dead and reign over all the earth. Let's commit to joining him in his work of transforming the world by God's grace.

God has created you for a purpose. It was to have fellowship with Him and to build His kingdom. The only way you can work at building His kingdom is to follow His instructions and actually go out and do it!!!

Father, thank You for this day and for the touch of Your Word in our lives today. Lord, open the floodgates of heaven and rain down Your abundance over my friend and family today. Lord, we want to thank You for the ways You have touched our hearts and used our lives. We fervently pray that You will use us in ways we cannot imagine. We want to be part of Your work of changing the world.

Father, we love You. Amen !

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